Kaikorai Cancellations

By Simon Clarke | Posted: Monday March 16, 2020

Important information regarding Covid 19 (updated 17/3/2020 at 11:20am)

After reviewing our risk management plans and in partnership with the Board of Trustees we have decided to postpone our Year 6 camp and Year 5 activity week.  I know that this will be disappointing for the children but in these times it is imperative that we social distance and that the health and safety of teachers, parents and students come first.  We have been lucky enough to secure a week in November at Camp Iona so all going well, we hope to run the camp then.  We will refund parents if we are unable to hold the camp this year

Thank you to parents who have volunteered to be parent helpers and we hope that your employers are able to find work for you next week and that you can use your leave at a later date.  Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience.

We have also decided to stop all assemblies until further notices as per the instructions of the Ministry of Education.  This means that Room 3's assembly has been cancelled this week.

Futsal is also cancelled for the week due to the fact that over 500 people will be at the Edgar Centre.

Touch is cancelled (updated 17/3/2020)

At this stage, junior swimming is still going ahead as planned.  The CDC has said that in well-maintained pools it cannot spread. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html

Students may start to feel a little stressed about Covid19 as they flourish on routines.  It is important to talk to them about how it has affected children very little but also very importantly that they must wash their hands regularly.  Monitor what you say in front of them and be careful about how much news they watch.

The number one thing that we ask you to do is not to send children to school sick.  Students who present with flu-like symptoms will be isolated in the sickbay and sent home. 

Kind regards

Simon Clarke
