Room 5's Project Based Learning

By Jill Kumar | Posted: Sunday June 21, 2020

This term (post lockdown) Room 5 has been learning about the birds that live in our Dunedin City area. In particular we have been finding out what sort of food our native birds need to help get them through our particularly chilly winters. As part of our learning, each child is in a group to work on designing a native bird feeding system for their group.

Your child may have already talked to you about what they need to help them design their system.  As well, we would like to have a class collection to help each other with trickier items.  In particular we need:

wire / old wire coathangers etc

plastic bottles and lids

plastic - containers / bowls/ cups/ ice cream containers/ yogurt containers

wooden dowels / sticks / thin boards etc

nails (including bigger sized nails)

duct tape / plumbers tape

String / twine

If you have any of the above, or any other items that you think would be suitable for outside bird feeding systems, please bring them to school over the next few days!