Middles News - August 2020

By Amy McBeath | Posted: Wednesday August 5, 2020

It's hard to believe that we're already at the end of the third week of term. There has been a lot happening already and it's been great to see the range of activities children are taking part in.

PBL - Wayfinding

Children in the middle syndicate have been learning about wayfinding this term as part of our Project Based Learning (PBL).  Our driving question for the term is: How can we as wayfinders, make it easy for people to get to where they need to go quickly and efficiently.  Each class has been investigating different ways to answer this question with a focus on helping people find their way around our school.  Later in the term, this focus will shift to the hospital rebuild and how we can apply our knowledge and skills about wayfinding to a different space.  Classes have been working on a range of tasks to help children build their understanding of wayfinding, with an emphasis on different groups of people and the challenges they may face.  Children have also been asking their own questions about wayfinding, answering them as they learn more through research. 

Room 5 Assembly

It was wonderful to see Room 5 share so many different ideas about wayfinding in their assembly last week.  They entertained the audience with their performance which included singing, dancing, brilliant acting, and a lot of humour.  With some wonderful teamwork, they were able to read a map, learned some sign language, and used the Matariki star cluster to help them find their way to their destination.  

Fitness - Running

When the weather permits, we've been out running a few different tracks around our school.  Children have been encouraged to show the KAIK values by trying their best during the run.  Some children were also selected to take part in the HIlls Cluster Cross Country with children from other local schools.  Congratulations to all those who took part, and a big congratulations to Eli Marshall who placed third in his race.

Student thoughts:

Room 6 students would like to share some of the things that they have been working on so far this term.  

Keeping Fit:

We have been working on netball passes including bounce passes, chest passes and overhead passes.  For the cross country there were a lot of people there and we ran 800m and I Came 3rd place. Eli


Our focus for this term is wayfinding. Jonah.T  PBL stands for project based learning. Talia  In Epic we have been reading about wayfinding, map parts, and a few more things about wayfinding. We have done questions and answers on PBL like questions for Mr Clarke and also questions that we can answer about wayfinding. Cam C. We got into buddies and built a lego mazes. For the PBL keywords Mrs McBeath has put a Jamboard up for everybody in the class to put wayfinding keywords. If you didn't know what wayfinding is, I am going to tell you what it means. Wayfinding is finding your way around somewhere for an example at a school. If you just started at school you wouldn't know where to go so we might put signs up to find your way. Eli

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