By Simon Clarke | Posted: Wednesday August 18, 2021
Day One of online learning complete
We have had a successful day as our classes had their first online meeting with large numbers attending. Teachers commented in our debrief that some students were anxious about catching Covid19 and other signs of anxiety. It may be worthwhile taking the time to answer any questions that your child has. The website Sparklers has some useful advice for parents or this story could be a good starter for a conversation. Aroha's Way
We will do the same tomorrow with our half-hour meetings and await the announcement from the Prime Minister before announcing our plans for next week.
If we are at Level 3 or 4 we will be ramping up our online learning programme next week. You need to decide what is best for your child and family and this includes monitoring the amount of screen time. None of what we offer is compulsory. Nor are you able to request more work for your child. Do expect a phone call next week if we haven't heard from you or your child. We just want to make sure you are OK and have everything that you need.
We will have more information on Sunday to explain next weeks programme.
Finally some reminders...
You will need to be signed in to a google account, preferably your child's. I have attached an information sheet below. If you can't access their google username and login please email me - [email protected]
Room 10 link has changed from what was originally published.
Room Link Meeting Time Join Code
Room 3 Google Classroom 1pm sdb5hfy
Room 4 Google Classroom 9.30am fjj4wmd
Room 5 Google Classroom 9:30am wdbn2bb
Room 6A Google Classroom 9:30am q7g7qf5
Room 6 Google Classroom 9:30am llx63zm
Room 7 Google Classroom 9:30am llx63zm
Room 8 Google Classroom 9:00am llx63zm
Room 9 Google Classroom 9:30am uihdnyn
Room 10 Google Classroom 10am bpia6wr
Room 11 Google Classroom 9am jy7urw3
Room 12 Google Classroom 1:30pm xizxncd
Room 13 Google Classroom 9:30am llx63zm
Room 14 Google Classroom 9:30am llx63zm
Tomorrow's meeting will consist of a 10-30 minute session depending on the age and attention span of the class. They will focus on how to use Google Meets and Classroom, check-in to see how everyone is, and also see who has access.
If you are looking for more, we can direct you back to the following websites.
At this stage, we don't have the capability to issue Chromebooks due to the lockdown. However, if the decision is to move to Level 3 on Friday we may be able to either meet at school or deliver devices on Sunday. We are still awaiting guidance on this. Once again for our planning purposes, we need some important information in case we move to Level 3 next week.
Firstly we need to if you are an ESSENTIAL WORKER and would need to send your child to school during level 3.
You can come for parts of the week (eg just a Thursday) because your work allows you to look after your children from home for part of the week. But you cannot send your child along if you haven't indicated in this survey that they will be coming. Do not click "Yes" to both questions. If you need only a few days covered please click yes to returning to school and make contact with your class teacher.
Please make sure you complete one for each child using the correct class link.
Secondly, will you require a device to support learning if we move to Level 3.
Kia kaha/Stay Strong
Simon Clarke