The Parent group

By Beth Downie | Posted: Wednesday February 16, 2022

Come and join this amazing group of parents who help raise funds and support our children!

Being part of the Kaikorai School Parents Group has been so much fun over the years. It has felt great to have been active members within our school community, working towards some important and meaningful goals. We have worked towards fundraising for our new playground, school trips and education outside the classroom, chromebooks, musical instruments, the chatbus service and so much more. We have done all these things while having fun cooking sausages, organising and helping at school fairs, bagging pizza slices, helping at movie nights and school discos. We have been so lucky to have made some lifelong friends by joining the parents group. And we’re both a bit sad to be leaving such a cool school and amazing community.

If you haven’t thought about volunteering for fundraising activities at school or about joining the Parents Group, please consider it! It’s a great way to meet other school parents and help your child’s school at the same time.

Ros Allison and Kylie Ellis (leaving members)

Can you help cook a sausage sizzle? Sort pizza orders? Help fundraise? If you would like to help in any way, please email [email protected] 

Upcoming events and fundraisers
